
Hello there, I'm Jen.

I'm the person behind 'We Think Small'. Recently (somewhat) graduated from Mankato State University with a BFA in graphic design and a background in drawing. I live in the frozen tundra others call Minnesota with my husband, Andrew and two cats: Mortimer and Poppy (aka Kitten).

 I decided after school that I didn't want to work in some office designing coupons or something I don't care about. I needed a creative outlet. I spent a lot of time sewing and crocheting and making giant embroidered works on canvas but wanted to venture into something new. After searching everywhere for screenprinting kits and such (which was always an unexplored interest of mine) I stumbled upon linocut printing. I was immediately hooked at how simple it seemed and how quick I could get it done.

I don't really remember how I found Etsy but I did and it was the best thing ever! I have been making and selling my linocut prints since 2011 and loving every moment and celebrating every sale. My art is heavily influenced by texture and pattern so I try to use both in my prints and embroidered works. That's another reason why I love linocut, the ink leaves behind a beautiful texture. I hope that others find my work intriguing and fun and share with everyone they know.

I spend what free time I have drawing, sewing, reading, taking pictures of my kitties being cute and (sometimes) playing Halo with the husband. I like to joke around, quote movie lines and talk in a rediculous southern accent just because I can.


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